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#27: Puzzle Spotlight: Crossword

Writer's picture: Jacob CohenJacob Cohen

Hello everyone, and happy not-2020! (Exclamation point, not factorial.)

As revealed in the answers to last week's Building Blocks puzzle, for the month of January 2021, Puzzles for Progress is doing something special! Each puzzle page will contain three puzzles of the same type–one easier, one medium, and one harder. Hopefully, this will provide an opportunity to delve deeper into each puzzle type, sharpen your skills, and, most importantly, just have fun. I’ve selected the top five puzzles according to the recent survey. This week (at #5):

The Crossword.

I highly recommend you print this puzzle page out by using the following link:

(If that’s not a possibility, you can also upload it to an app like Notability that allows you to digitally write on it.)

If you'd prefer each puzzle on a separate page, those links are also available below, as well as links to each puzzle in an online solver! I'm very excited about this–thanks to Crossword Hobbyist, every PfP crossword from here on out will now be solvable online. The answers are linked below as well.


Just the easier puzzle:

Just the medium puzzle:

Just the harder puzzle:


Just the easier puzzle:

Just the medium puzzle:

Just the harder puzzle:

Edit: Online with Crosshare

Next week: Puzzle Spotlight: Spiral

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